
Surplus Parts/Cash for Parts

Over the last several years we have added to our inventory of surplus parts. We have very competitive offers for your surplus parts and cores you have that you might have collecting dust! All that we need at first is just a list of your parts. The list can be so simple that all we need is the Part Number and the condition. We are usually able to make an offer within 24-48 hours. Please contact us at (724 ) 383 4055 or send us your list to gross@rapllcparts.com



We Sell Surplus Parts

We have invested heavily into adding to our New Surplus inventory. We carry mostly Piper, Cessna Piston, King Air, Hawker and Cessna Citation Surplus inventory. Our prices are very competitive compared to the other big surplus providers. We can ship out the same day the order is placed so please make sure to keep us in mind when you are looking for a good deal for all your surplus needs.

We Buy Surplus Parts

We also buy surplus aircraft parts and old cores. If you have a list of parts you are looking to sell then please feel free to email the list to us at gross@rapllcparts.com. All we need is the part number, condition and quantity and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours with an answer.